“When God created man and women, he was thinking, who shall I give the power to, to give birth to the next human being? And God chose woman. And this is the best evidence that women are more powerful.[1]”
-Malala yousafzai
Women are known as half of the world. In India, women are projected as the goddess. Women are important to any society; they are careers, nurture, and balance both the life of others as well as society.
Is India is the most dangerous country for women?
According to the global survey of women in the recent “Thomson Reuters Foundation” survey[2]. It was said that India has been named for the dangerous country in the world. Although the Indian constitution has given so many rights to Indian women. But are the Right is really helping the Indian women? No, rapes, trafficking, gender, inequality. So many women of India or I can say almost all women of India don’t feel safe alone on streets, leave the streets they are not safe in their homes also many women who are being raped knew the rapist, the rapist belongs the “circle of trust”. Even the girls of our country are not safe it is unbelievable that a 21-month-old baby was raped by a 40-year-old man who was his neighborhood.
Why education is important for children?
Education is the strongest tool to change anyone’s life and the country’s condition. Better education is very necessary for all to go ahead in life and get success. but education must be the right way or in the towards right view if the education is good the child can be a “Kalam” but if the educations bad or fails it can give birth a terrorist also.
Some of the violence against the children that prevail in Indian?
In the present age, many of the children are suffering from violence or we can also say that their mind is affected by the violence of the society which they are seeing and observing. Violence against children is one of the biggest problems affecting families and society. There are many different forms and faces of children like physical abuse, sexual abuse emotional abuse and so on.
The study of the MWCD found a widespread incidence of child abuse. Children between the ages of 5-12 are at the highest risk for abuse and exploitation. The study found that 69% of children reported having been physically abused. Out of these 54.68% were boys. 52.91% of boys and 47.09% of girls reported having been abused in their family environment. Of the children who were abused in family situations 88.6% were abused by their parents. Every two out of three schoolchildren reported facing corporal punishment. In juvenile justice institutions 70.21 % of children in conflict with law and 52.86% of children in need of care and protection reported having been physically abused. With regard to child labor 50.2% of children work all seven days of the week. 81.16% of the girl child laborers work in domestic households, while 84% of the boy child laborers worked in tea stalls or kiosks. 65.99 % of boys and 67.92% of girls living on the street reported being physically abused by their family members and other people.[3]
According to another surveys like in every 5 min, a child dies from violence a survey by the global partnership to end violence against children 20. One billion children the age 2-17 are estimated to have experienced emotional, physical and sexual violence – a report by WHO 2016. 120 million children under the age of 20 have been subjected to force sexual acts a report by UNICEF 2014.
Right of Women and children
As we know women’s are the foundation of our society but in India, there is always discrimination between man and the women in different field like health, property, education, women are not treated equally as men whereas when we talk about the right of children India is the highest child population. The Indian law has made some significant moves in this direction the infant mortality rates are down, child survival is up literacy rates have improved and soon. Still we cannot say that child is protected. The problem of child trafficking is a big issue in India the increase of number of children living on streets many children are engaged as labour the media of our country also plays its significant role in protecting the right of women and child as it creates awareness and do periodic survey around and within the public. Media help in broadcasting reality and help that peoples fight for their rights.
Laws made by the government to protect the child
There are many laws which are made to follow the right and interest of child of India some of them are child labor (prohibition and regulation) act 1986 according to this act any child below the age of 14 cannot be employed including domestic help also child marriage restraint act 1929 and according to this the government specify the legal age of girl and boy 18 and 21 age respectively to get married. Below this age if anyone can marry are forced to marry it is considered ill legal child act 1960 talk about the childcare, protection, maintenance, welfare, training of the neglected children juvenile justice act 2000 was replaced by juvenile justice act 2015 according to this act a person is defined juvenile who is not completed his/her 18 years this act not protected the right of children but a person right when he/she was a child reformatory school act 1897 talks about to sent youthful offenders so that they can reform themselves they can change themselves. Commission for the protection of child rights act 2006 stepped to protect, promote and defend child rights in the country. 250 million children worldwide lived in a country affected by conflict- a report by UNICEF 2016.
Violence can affect a child for the rest of their life with severe consequences for a Childs physical, psychological and mental halt. Without proper care and support can lead to long term effects on child development and future life. It is very important to provide the children safeguard so that they can be protected from all that violence which affects their mental and physical condition right to free education of children under 14 age. Is also one of the laws that protect the child? Mentally from all violence as education is a powerful weapon that the children can use to protect themselves.
Policies by Government Women and Child Development
The Ministry of Women and Child Development is implementing various schemes/programs for empowerment of women and development of children across the country. The names of those schemes are as follows:
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Mahila Shakti Kendra scheme, National Creche Scheme, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh, Swadhar Greh, Ujjawala Yojana, Working Women Hostels, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, Integrated Child Protection Scheme, National Nutrition Mission (NNM), etc.
Through this essay I want to highlight the laws that help in the protection of women and child right. As HILLARY CLINTON says women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's right we come to know that the role of media in protecting the right of the children and women. Many laws are made with the objective to preserve the basic right and protection of women and children. But when I analyze this topic I came to know that there are certain loopholes like man's women’s are not aware of their rights, some of the women have the fear of the society that what society will say. After happening of any crime politician say wrong and fake speech for eg- 16 Dec 2012 gang rape case many politicians gave the comment that – “ladki laxman rekha par karegi to sita haran hoga he” these types of comments leave an ill impact on women. On the other hand, when we talk about child protection the government is working day by day to assure the safety of the child. The government launched a no that is 1098. Which provides 24*7 service and working for the benefit of the children if anyone is seeing any child violence or child labor or any kind of problem which violates the right of child he or she can dial 1098 helpline number. Women and child are important as the man they should be equally treated like man on the very another side it‟s the duty and responsibility of the people of the society to protect and raise their voice if he or she is seeing anything which is ill legal protection of women and child is important as our protection if we want to fight from other countries we should first make our foundation strong.
Citation From- (https://www.news18.com/news/india/the-elephant-in-the-room-every-third-woman-in-india-faces-domestic-violence-1654193.html) (Last Updated-25/10/2019)
[1] Citation From- (https://www.entitymag.com/malala-yousafzai-quotes-empower/) Last Updated (01/03/2019)
[2] Citation From- (http://poll2018.trust.org/) Last Updated (02/03/2019)
[3] Citation From- http://childlineindia.org.in/child-abuse-child-violence-india.htm (Last Updated-25/10/2019)
Submitted by,
Anuj Datta & Madhu Singh,
Year II, B.A.LL.B.,
Shambunath Institute of Law.
(Image used for representational purpose only. Image Courtesy: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/201606520806093177/?autologin=true )