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Jan 31, 20214 min read
The Ramifications of India's rape laws on the transgender community
INTRODUCTION Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 has been amended to widen the scope of the sexual offences that it deems to...

Jan 31, 20216 min read
Deciphering the rights of Persons with Disabilities in India
INTRODUCTION On December 30, 2016, the government of India enacted the Rights of Person with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act), intending...

Jan 31, 20217 min read
Reformations required in the Criminal Justice System of India
On 16th December 2012, five accused including one minor raped a 23yr old girl in the national capital of the country. For the first-time,...

Jan 30, 20217 min read
Honour Killing: In the name of false honour
INTRODUCTION Honour Killings has existed in our society for a long period of time. These crimes are associated with the context of...

Jan 30, 20215 min read
If you are arrested, know your rights
Every human being is born with the Right to Personal Liberty, Right to Life etc. Human rights are cherished under The Constitution of...

Jan 29, 20215 min read
CUT IT OUT: Chemical Castration to Combat Recidivism among Sex Offenders
[Trigger Warning] His grimy callous hands roamed my body, feeling, squeezing and marking it with a permanent sense of shame. They grabbed...

Jan 28, 20216 min read
Drawbacks in Indian Judiciary and the criminal statutes
INTRODUCTION- The criminal statute of India provides laws for providing justice to people and this all laws are successfully executed by...

Jan 27, 20217 min read
Gender-Based Violence - A Humanitarian Crisis
Gender-based violence is one of the most significant abuses of justice in any culture, and it is a problem profoundly embedded in gender...

Jan 27, 20217 min read
Revisiting the "age of marriage"
INTRODUCTION Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address to the nation on the occasion of 74th Independence Day informed the country...

Jun 17, 20205 min read
Bail Application - Drafting & Format
Bail Application in India The term ‘bail’ originated from a French verb ‘bailer’ which means ‘to give’. Bail means the security which is...

Jun 14, 20206 min read
Gambling laws in India: time to challenge the ambiguity
Unfolding since the time of Mahabharata, when the proficiency of foes was tested by their expertise at dice and board games, using the...

Jun 14, 20205 min read
Relief measures for the poor in COVID-19 Crisis & Lockdown: What does the government have to offer?
In India, the poor have always been an afterthought. Considering the fact that this is a country which is made up of huge chunks of...
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